November has traditionally been a time of prayer for all our loved ones who have died. As we enter the winter season we are reminded by creation itself about the reality of death. However for those of faith death is not the end, it is the gateway to new life made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And so in November we pray and remember. We pray that God’s abundant mercy will transform the life and death of our loved one into new life with Him forever. We give thanks to God for the memories we carry in our hearts and minds of our loved ones who have gone & we look forward to that day of final resurrection when we shall all be reunited with our sisters and brothers: together may we meet Christ Jesus when he who is our life appears in glory. At this time we pray too for families who have been bereaved during the past year. May they through the gift of faith and through the support of family, friends and community find consolation and strength.
During the month of November 2021 the following celebrations of prayer and remembrance will take place.
November 1st – 9th Novena of Masses for all our deceased loved ones.
November 2nd: Mass for the faithful departed
Ferrybank 10 am, Slieverue 7 pm
You can write the names of your loved ones on the lists in our churches and place in the box at the Altar
Annual Masses of Remembrance for those who have died during the past year
(reserved to families of those who have died during the past year)
Ferrybank: Wednesday 24th November
Slieverue: Friday 26th November